
Some time ago I wrote about Installing self-signed certificates into Git cert store.
With the advent of Visual Studio 2017 and updates of the Git client I noticed the limitation of this approach. Also, updates of Visual Studio brought updates to a git client and after each update, my self signed certificate was gone. As this fact annoyed me quite a bit, I looked for a better approach.

A better approach

In order to solve this issue, I needed to move my certificate authority file to a place where it will not be rewritten by installing a new version of Git client. I went moving it to my users directory, which on my PC equals to C:\Users\majcicam. So after adding my self signed certificate into ca-bundle.crt file that is located, again, in my case at C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\ssl\certs, I moved it to the C:\Users\majcicam. You can read more about adding your self signed certificate into the ca-cert file in my previous post at Installing self-signed certificates into Git cert store.

After I moved my file, I needed to indicate to the Git client that he should use this file to verify certificates. This can be done by issuing the following command:

git config --global http.sslCAInfo C:/Users/majcicam/ca-bundle.crt

This command will add the new path into a Git global config file which is a place where all of the user wide settings are stored and it is not subjective to the installation of Git or a particular repository.

Note that I used a slashes in the path instead of back-slashes.

This means that now we can update our Git client and that these settings will be maintained. As a standard on Windows platform, it is located in your user folder, in my case the global config file is at C:/Users/majcicam/.gitconfig. You can verify the values of all the Git config files and their location by issuing the following command:

git config --list --show-origin

This simple trick should make your lazy developer life a bit easier.

Happy coding

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