Download a file with TypeScript

This may apparently be a trivial thing to do. Well, it turns out it was not, at least for me. This is why I would like to share my experience with you, it may save someone several hours of fiddling.

As in the past posts, I will be making my HTTP calls via typed-rest-client. This library is again based on the plain NodeJs http.ClientRequest class. This also means that if you do not plan to use this library, you can still follow the method I’m suggesting.

Here is the full example of the code.

import fs = require("fs");
import { HttpClient } from "typed-rest-client/HttpClient";

async function run() {
    const client = new HttpClient("clientTest");
    const response = await client.get("");
    const filePath = "C:\\temp\\downloadedFile.png";
    const file: NodeJS.WritableStream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
    if (response.message.statusCode !== 200) {
        const err: Error = new Error(`Unexpected HTTP response: ${response.message.statusCode}`);
        err["httpStatusCode"] = response.message.statusCode;
        throw err;

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        file.on("error", (err) => reject(err));

        const stream = response.message.pipe(file);

        stream.on("close", () => {
            try { resolve(filePath); } catch (err) {


Let’s check what I wrote here and why.

Initially, I do create an instance of the HttpClient class and pass in the user agent parameter (any string will do here). Then I do call a get method to fetch an URL. At this point, I’m ready to persist the response so I do create a write stream for a given path. Here you can improve this code, at example by looking for Content-Disposition header and if present get the filename out of it, etc. The choice is yours and my goal was to show you how to handle the streams in TypeScript.
Now the tricky part, where I lost plenty of time. We need to pipe the message as it is a readable stream to our writable stream. But the fact is that we need to wait until the close event is triggered. This is where you need to wrap this up in the promise and wait for it to complete. In my example, I also look up for the error event and in case I do reject the promise.

Believe it or not, considering my limited experience with JavaScript and TypeScript, I was not awaiting for those events and my code refused to work. I lost some time figuring things out and google was of no much help. As I couldn’t find any TypeScript specific examples, I decided, even if seems banal, to share this with you.

Please share your thoughts with me in case you think this can be improved, I would love to learn more about it.


Node10 provider available for Agent v2.144.0

It’s been a while that developers of Azure DevOps build/release tasks have been stuck on NodeJs v6.10.3 (available since agent v2.117.0). In the past days, a new pre-release of the agent came out that supports NodeJs 10 runtime. This is a great news but a bit ‘under-advertised’.

Let’s see what it is all about.

Starting with version v2.144.0 a new provider, called Node10 is supported. It is still a pre-release, but I’m confident that soon we will get a proper release with this new provider available.

To start using it, your task needs to reference it in the following way. In your task.json file just specify under the execution node, instead of probably just Node, Node10.


"execution": {
        "Node10": {
            "target": "task.js",
            "argumentFormat": ""

This means that in this case, your task implementation will run on NodeJs v10.13.0.
You are now free to use the Node 10 meanwhile if you are developing in TypeScript, then you can target ES2018 in this case. And if you are using TypeScript 3.2, some new features like BigInt may become available (by adding esnext.bigint to the lib setting in your compiler options).

Also do not forget to set in your task the “minimumAgentVersion” to:

"minimumAgentVersion": "2.144.0"
