TFS 2015 behind a proxy

In many enterprise realities it is quite common that all of the internet access is made via a proxy server. Recently I wrote a post about a Tough life behind a proxy, you may check that for some of my rants and tips. What if your servers do also require internet access? Although it may seem it doesn’t, TFS 2015 has a need to access the web. Not having the access to web will not compromise any of it’s core functionality, however it will continue logging an error in the event log. It has to do with the News panel that is shown (or not) on your main portal page. As you can see on the following screenshot next to the Recent team rooms panel, on the right side, the usual News panel is not shown.


If you check your event log, you will probably find the following error:

System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
       at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoConnect(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress)
       at System.Net.ServicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(Boolean connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, Socket& socket, IPAddress& address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, Exception& exception)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
       at System.Xml.XmlDownloadManager.GetNonFileStream(Uri uri, ICredentials credentials, IWebProxy proxy, RequestCachePolicy cachePolicy)
       at System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn)
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.FinishInitUriString()
       at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl..ctor(String uriStr, XmlReaderSettings settings, XmlParserContext context, XmlResolver uriResolver)
       at System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.CreateReader(String inputUri, XmlParserContext inputContext)
       at Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Server.WebAccess.Controllers.ApiCommonController.GetNews(Int32 maxCount)

This is how it looks like in the log:


It is pretty clear that the action called GetNews on the ApiCommonControler was unable to fulfill the Http request it made. This is because my TFS is behind a proxy server for what concerns the web access.
In order to set the access for the TFS application via a proxy, you need to locate the correct web.config file, which in may case is present in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 14.0\Application Tier\Web Services.
What you will need to do is to edit that file and under the section add the following:

    	<proxy usesystemdefault="True" proxyaddress="" bypassonlocal="True"/>

Make sure the correct proxyaddress is set and give your TFS main portal page a go. If all went as expected and your settings are valid, you should see the following:


That’s it. It may not be an essential setting, however it is nice to see that there are no errors in the event log and that your users do get a full experience.


Detailing TFS configuration – IIS

One of the most annoying things when it comes to accessing the TFS portal is that you need to specify the context path /tfs. In other words, if you just type you will not get redirected to your application, which has the full path of Same if SSL is used, often and by default you are obliged to indicate the https or even worst in case SSL is made mandatory, you will get a nice 403.

Well this is a bit of shame. Many people standing behind and supporting TFS are often not keen to set this details up. This can be because of the leak of knowledge, “fear” of the unknown, negligence, character. It is such a simple operation that shows that you do care. So let’s check a couple of things you can do in order to make this happen.

The Beauty Is In the Details

There are several improvements that we can make on IIS that is running our TFS instance. I will try to make you a couple of suggestion, if some of them can’t apply on your case by any reason, it is not mandatory to set them. Following are just suggestions on how to tide up your default TFS installation.

The cleanup

Often I do see on the IIS of TFS server a Default Web Site. In 99,9% of the cases it is not used. If that is also your case (running only TFS on that machine) you are safe to remove it.


As you can see, aside of the Team Foundation Server site, there is the Default Web Site in my case. I will just right click it and choose Remove.


After you removed the Default Web Site, you can do the same for all unused Application pools.


As from the image, get to the Application Pools and remove all of the pools which name doesn’t start on per Microsoft Team Foundation.

The redirect

It will be handy that in the browser you do not need to type over and over the context path of /tfs. In order to set this up we can leverage the Http Redirect feature of IIS. By default it is not installed thus we will need to add it. Open Server Manager and choose Manage -> Add Roles and Features.


Now get to the Server Roles and under Web Server (IIS) – Web Server – Common HTTP Features select the HTTP Redirects.


Conclude the installation procedure and restart the IIS Manager.
Now after selecting your Team Foundation Server site, you will see the HTTP Redirect feature.


Select this option by double clicking it and enable the Redirect Requests as set on the following image.


In the text box you will need to enter the full URL of your TFS comprehensive of the context path. Now, once the IIS recieves a request towards the root of your application it will redirect it towards your TFS application, called tfs. Make sure before Applying these settings that the Only redirect requests to content in this directory (not subdirectories) is selected, otherwise all of your calls will result in an recursive redirect. Apply these settings and try calling your server without the context path. If you are monitoring your web calls with tools like Fiddler, you will see that your first call is redirected by the server towards the URL we specified under the Redirect request option.

This technique is only working with your portal and browser. You will always need to specify the full URL in your Visual Studio or any other tooling that requires the TFS path. This is because they are not able to understand the redirect and act in the way your browser does. Keep this in mind.

Connecting people

By default TFS will set it’s default port to 8080. Again if it is the only application on your server it is a shame being in need to specify the port for the each call. What about letting it replay also to a port 80, which is the default http port and doesn’t need to be specified?
Welcome bindings. Select your Team Foundation Server and chose in between the available actions the one called Bindings. You will be presented with the following screen.


Make sure that aside the http binding to port 8080 there is the one that binds the requests to the port 80. If it is not there, first edit the current binding of port 8080 and change it to port 80. Then add a new one and make it replay to port 8080. Click close and try calling your TFS without specifying the port 8080. Your IIS should replay correctly.

The result of this change will work with all of the tooling accessing TFS, like Visual Studio. You are now not anymore obliged to specify the port 8080.

Talking under four eyes

It may be a good idea or a necessity to use transport layer security. Enabling HTTPS on you web site is fairly simple. How to create and import a certificate is out of the scope of this post. Given that you have correctly imported a certificate into the IIS certificate store, open the site binding and add a new one.


As a type choose https and select the certificate that you intend to use for TFS.
From now on, you can point to https://yourTFS/tfs and you will be using a secure connection. In case you omit the context path, you will end up on a non protected connection. To sort that out, change your redirect and make it point to the secure version of link.

Also you may desire to make the HTTPS mandatory. If that is the case, you could simply enable Require SSL option under SSL Settings for your TFS Web Site.


If you do so, pointing to a non SSL version of your site will result in a 403 Forbidden response. Although it is self explanatory as a message it is not nicely handled. It would be nicer if you would be redirected to the https version of your request. For that, we can use a trick. Open Error pages pane and edit the 403 page.


Set the Respond with a 302 redirect and set your desired https URL. Now, instead of showing a Forbidden message, your browser will be automatically redirected to a correct link.

Note that in case you set the SSL mandatory, you need to do it for both the WebSite and the Virtual folder usually called tfs. After you set both of them to be required, you will need to open the TFS Administration console and on Application Tier screen, choose the Change URL’s action:


Make sure that Notification and server URL are correctly set to point to the new link, otherwise you may experience some issues with TFS Administration console and some other local tooling.


I showed you a couple of tips on how to set you TFS IIS in order to be more friendly in responses and to remove the unnecessary things. There are other tips I may have on this argument, however they do fall in a maintenance domain, such as managing log files, etc. Soon I will publish a separate, more detailed blog post about this argument.


XL Deploy and TFS 2015 – Building, Importing and Deploying Packages

Recently XebiaLabs released a build task for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2015 that facilitates the integration of the vNext build pipeline with their product, XL Deploy. The new build task is capable of creating a deployment archive (DAR package), importing it to an instance of XL Deploy, and eventually, if requested, triggering the deployment of the newly added package. It also contains some other interesting options that will ease the process of versioning the deployment package.

In the following post I will show you how to build an ASP.NET MVC application, create the deployment package, and deploy it via XL Deploy. Let’s start.


Before we start, make sure that you have all of the necessary items in place. First of all, your build agent needs to be capable of building your application. In the case of on-premises TFS 2015, this means that you need to have installed Visual Studio on your build server.

You also need to install the XL Deploy build task; if you haven’t done so already, refer to Install the XL Deploy build task. As a prerequisite for the XL Deploy build task, your XL Deploy instance needs to be of version 5.0.0 or later; earlier versions are not supported.

Once you ensure that these criteria are met, you can continue reading.

Building your web application

First things first. Create a new empty build definition in your project. If you are not familiar with how to do this, refer to the MSDN article Create a build definition.

Set the repository mappings accordingly before proceeding any further; again, refer to the MSDN article Specify the repository for more information about doing so. For this example I am going to use TFVC; however, all of the techniques I am going to describe do work also with Git repository.

Now you can specify the necessary build steps to compile and publish the web application.

Add a Visual Studio Build build task.


Once added, you need to set the necessary parameters. The first mandatory setting is the path to the solution file in source control. Click the button with three dots and locate your solution file in the version control tree. Once found and confirmed, the Solution box will be populated with the correct path. In my case, that is $/XL Deploy Showcase/AwesomeWebApp/AwesomeWebApp.sln. This is the solution that will be built in the build definition.

Next you need to use the MSBuild Arguments setting to indicate that all of the built items should be delivered in the build staging directory. This is an important step because when the XL Deploy build task starts creating the deployment archive (DAR package), it will search for items to include in it, starting from this directory (considering the build staging directory as root). That’s why I am going to set MSBuild Arguments to /p:OutDir=$(build.stagingDirectory). This is a common way for MSBuild to pass a parameter; I’m using a variable that will resolve in a specific path when the build is run. A list of available variables and their usage is explained in the MSDN article Use variables. For now, I will not change any other setting. Make sure that Restore NuGet Packages is selected and that the correct version of Visual Studio is listed.


Save the build definition. Enter a relevant name and optionally set the comment.


Now, you can test the build. Queue a new build and check the results. If everything went well, you will get a ‘green’ build.


Now you are sure that the project builds correctly and we can continue with our next task, which is deploying the application via XL Deploy.

You can find more information about build steps on MSDN at Specify your build steps.

XL Deploy build task

In order to continue, you need to have a valid XL Deploy manifest file checked in to our source control. You can read about creating a manifest file at XL Deploy manifest format. I checked in the following manifest:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<udm.DeploymentPackage version="" application="AwesomeWebApp">
	<iis.WebContent name="website-files" file="_PublishedWebsites\AwesomeWebApp">
	<iis.ApplicationPoolSpec name="AwesomeWebApp">
	<iis.WebsiteSpec name="AwesomeWebApp-website">
	<iis.WebsiteBindingSpec name="AwesomeWebApp/8088">

As you can see, I specified the required IIS application pool, a web site, and, most importantly, WebContent. The WebContent element indicates that the files that do represent the web site.

An attribute called file is present on the deployable element iis.WebContent. This attribute is very important, as it will guide the build task in creating the deployment archive. A relative path is set as the value and indicates the folder that needs to be included in the DAR package. This relative path assumes that the root folder is the build staging directory; it will search this directory for the folders specified here. If they are not present, packaging will fail. Now you understand why I delivered the build output in the staging folder. Although this behavior can be overridden in the advanced settings of the XL Deploy build task, I would advise you not to change it if it is not necessary and until you became confident and sufficiently experienced with TFS 2015 builds.

The manifest file also indicates that I expect MSBuild to package the web application under a default folder called _PublishedWebsites. This is standard behavior for MSBuild.

After the manifest file is correctly checked in, you can continue and edit the recently created build definition by adding another build step. This time, go to the Deploy group and select XL Deploy.


The first mandatory parameter that you need to set is the path to the manifest file. As you did previously for the solution file, click the button with three dots and select the manifest file in source control. In my case, that will be $/XL Deploy Showcase/AwesomeWebApp/deployit-manifest.xml.

Secondly, you need to set the endpoint, which is a definition of the URL and credentials for the XL Deploy server that you intend to use in this deployment. If no XL Deploy endpoints are defined, click Manage and define one. For information about doing so, refer to Add an endpoint in Team Foundation Server 2015. After you are done, click Refresh and your newly added endpoint will appear.

Versioning the package

As you can see, there is a Version option available on the XL Deploy build task. If selected, the deployment package version will be set to the build number format during the process. The build number format is a value that you can set in the General tab of the build definition.

When composing the build number, you can choose between constants and special tokens that are available for that purpose. In Specify general build definition settings, you can read about the available tokens and ways of setting the build number format.

If you are using a different pattern for versioning your deployment package and your build number format has a different use, you can override this behavior by setting a custom value in Version value override parameter under Advanced options.

For this example, I will set this option and then set the build number format to a simple ‘1.1.1$(Rev:.r)’.

Automated deployment

You have the option to automatically deploy the newly imported package to the environment of your choice. If you select the Deploy check-box on the XL Deploy build task, a new field called Target Environment will be available. Here, you need to specify the fully qualified name of the environment defined in XL Deploy. In my case, it is called Test. You can also allow the deployment to be rolled back in case of failure by selecting Rollback on deployment failure.

Note that this requires that you have correctly defined the environment in XL Deploy, with the relevant infrastructure and components. For more information, refer to Create an environment in XL Deploy.

Ready to roll

After you set all of the parameters and save the build definition, you are ready to trigger the new build. Make sure that you set all of the necessary parameters as shown in the picture.


You can now trigger the new build. In the build console you should now see the information relevant to the process of creating and versioning the package.


In case of problems, you can add a new build definition variable named system.debug and set the value to true. Then, in the build log, you will see more detailed messages about all of the actions preformed by the tasks (note that this is not shown in the console). It should be sufficient to diagnose the issue.


This was a small practical example about taking advantage of the new XL Deploy build task. I haven’t covered all of the available options; you can read more about them at Introduction to the Team Foundation Server 2015 plugin. However, this example is sufficient to get started. You can combine other build tasks in your build definition with the XL Deploy build task; but it is important that you invoke the XL Deploy build task after all of the elements that will compose your deployment package are available.