Persisting sensitive information with PowerShell

It often happens that I need to persist a password or another sensitive information strings in a file or database. When it happens I can never recall what was exactly the command I used to do so in the past. That’s why I decided to encapsulate the two operation of encrypting and decrypting a string in a cmdlet so that the next time I can just check my blog post.

A small preface about the operation of encryption. It is based on the ConvertTo-SecureString cmdlet which on its own uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) encryption algorithm. Supported key lengths by the AES encryption algorithm in this case are 128, 192, or 256 bits and they do depend on the specified key length.

function Protect-String()
        [string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$String,
        [string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Key
    BEGIN { }
        if (([system.Text.Encoding]::Unicode).GetByteCount($Key) * 8 -notin 128,192,256)
            throw "Given encription key has an invalid lenght. The specified key must have a length of 128, 192, or 256 bits."

        $secureKey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Key -AsPlainText -Force
        return ConvertTo-SecureString $String -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureKey $secureKey
    END { }

As you can see, there are two required parameters, string that you are trying to encrypt and the key to use to encrypt it. As mentioned above, specified key must have a length of 128, 192, or 256 bits. This translate in a string with length respectively equal to 8, 12 or 16 chars. The calculation is simple, strings inside PowerShell are represented as 16-bit Unicode, instances of .NET’s System.String class, thus 16 bits per character. Knowing this, the maths is easy.
For record, if we haven’t specified any key, the Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI) would be used to encrypt the standard string representation and we wouldn’t be capable of decrypting our string on a different computer.
After we invoke our cmdlet, we will get back the encrypted string. We can then persist that information safely in, at example, our configuration file or a database field.

Once we need to read our value back we can use the following cmdlet:

function Unprotect-String()
        [string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$String,
        [string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Key
    BEGIN { }
        if (([system.Text.Encoding]::Unicode).GetByteCount($Key) * 8 -notin 128,192,256)
            throw "Given encription key has an invalid lenght. The specified key must have a length of 128, 192, or 256 bits."

        $secureKey = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $Key -AsPlainText -Force
        $secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString $String -SecureKey $secureKey

        $credential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList "dummy", $secureString

        return $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
    END { }

Passing in the encrypted string and the key that should be used to decrypt the information, this cmdlet will return the decrypted string.

Following an example:

$password = "My strong super password"
$key = '1234567890123456'

$encryptedString = Protect-String $password $key

Unprotect-String $encryptedString $key

You can expect to see outputted console the “My strong super password”.

That’s all folks. Keep your sensitive information safe!

Uploading artifacts into Nexus via PowerShell

It may not be the most common thing, however it may happen that you would need to upload an artifact to a maven repository in Nexus via PowerShell. In order to achieve that, we will use Nexus REST API which for this task requires a multipart/form-data POST to /service/local/artifact/maven/content resource. This is however not a trivial task. It is notoriously difficult to manage a Multipart/form-data standard in PowerShell, as I already described in one of my previous post PowerShell tips and tricks – Multipart/form-data requests. As you can see this type of call is necessary in order to upload an artifact to your Nexus server. I will not get in a details about Multipart/form-data requests and if interested about the details, you can check just mentioned post.

For this purpose I created two cmdlets that will allow me to upload an artifact by supplying GAV parameters or by passing the GAV definition in a POM file. A couple of simple functions do support both of these cmdlets.

GAV definition in a POM file

As the heading suggests, this cmdlet will let you upload your artifact and specify the GAV parameters via a POM file.

function Import-ArtifactPOM()
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$EndpointUrl,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Repository,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$PomFilePath,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$PackagePath,
		[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Credential
		if (-not (Test-Path $PackagePath))
			$errorMessage = ("Package file {0} missing or unable to read." -f $PackagePath)
			$exception =  New-Object System.Exception $errorMessage
			$errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, 'ArtifactUpload', ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument), $PackagePath
		if (-not (Test-Path $PomFilePath))
			$errorMessage = ("POM file {0} missing or unable to read." -f $PomFilePath)
			$exception =  New-Object System.Exception $errorMessage
			$errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, 'ArtifactUpload', ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument), $PomFilePath

		Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
		$repoContent = CreateStringContent "r" $Repository
		$groupContent = CreateStringContent "hasPom" "true"
		$pomContent = CreateStringContent "file" "$(Get-Content $PomFilePath)" ([system.IO.Path]::GetFileName($PomFilePath)) "text/xml"
		$streamContent = CreateStreamContent $PackagePath

		$content = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent

		$httpClientHandler = GetHttpClientHandler $Credential

		return PostArtifact $EndpointUrl $httpClientHandler $content
	END { }

In order to invoke this cmdlet you will need to supply the following parameters:

  • EndpointUrl – Address of your Nexus server
  • Repository – Name of your repository in Nexus
  • PomFilePath – Full, literal path pointing to your POM file
  • PackagePath – Full, literal path pointing to your Artifact
  • Credential – Credentials in the form of PSCredential object

I will create a POM file with the following content:


And invoke my cmdlet in the following way:

$server = ""
$repoName = "maven"
$pomFile = "C:\Users\majcicam\Desktop\pom.xml"
$package = "C:\Users\majcicam\Desktop\junit-4.12.jar"
$credential = Get-Credential

Import-ArtifactPOM $server $repoName $pomFile $package $credential

If everything is correctly setup, you will be first asked to provide the credentials, then the upload will start. If it succeeds, you will receive back a string like this:


It is a json representation of the information about imported package.

Manually supplying GAV parameters

The other cmdlet is based on a similar principle, however it doesn’t require a POM file to be passed in, instead it let you provide GAV values as parameter to the call.

function Import-ArtifactGAV()
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$EndpointUrl,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Repository,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Group,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Artifact,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Version,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Packaging,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$PackagePath,
		[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Credential
		if (-not (Test-Path $PackagePath))
			$errorMessage = ("Package file {0} missing or unable to read." -f $packagePath)
			$exception =  New-Object System.Exception $errorMessage
			$errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, 'XLDPkgUpload', ([System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument), $packagePath

		Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Net.Http
		$repoContent = CreateStringContent "r" $Repository
		$groupContent = CreateStringContent "g" $Group
		$artifactContent = CreateStringContent "a" $Artifact
		$versionContent = CreateStringContent "v" $Version
		$packagingContent = CreateStringContent "p" $Packaging
		$streamContent = CreateStreamContent $PackagePath

		$content = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent

		$httpClientHandler = GetHttpClientHandler $Credential

		return PostArtifact $EndpointUrl $httpClientHandler $content
	END { }

In order to invoke this cmdlet you will need to supply the following parameters:

  • EndpointUrl – Address of your Nexus server
  • Repository – Name of your repository in Nexus
  • Group – Group Id
  • Artifact – Maven artifact Id
  • Version – Artifact version
  • Packaging – Packaging type (at ex. jar, war, ear, rar, etc.)
  • PackagePath – Full, literal path pointing to your Artifact
  • Credential – Credentials in the form of PSCredential object

An example of invocation:

$server = ""
$repoName = "maven"
$group = "com.test"
$artifact = "project"
$version = "2.4"
$packaging = "jar"
$package = "C:\Users\majcicam\Desktop\junit-4.12.jar"
$credential = Get-Credential

Import-ArtifactGAV $server $repoName $group $artifact $version $packaging $package $credential

If all goes as expected you will again receive a response confirming the imported values.


Supporting functions

As you could see, my cmdlets relay on a couple of functions. They are essential in this process so I will analyse them one by one.

function CreateStringContent()
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Name,
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$Value,
		$contentDispositionHeaderValue = New-Object -TypeName  System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue -ArgumentList @("form-data")
		$contentDispositionHeaderValue.Name = $Name

		if ($FileName)
			$contentDispositionHeaderValue.FileName = $FileName
		$content = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.StringContent -ArgumentList @($Value)
		$content.Headers.ContentDisposition = $contentDispositionHeaderValue

		if ($MediaTypeHeaderValue)
			$content.Headers.ContentType = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue $MediaTypeHeaderValue

		return $content

function CreateStreamContent()
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$PackagePath
		$packageFileStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.FileStream -ArgumentList @($PackagePath, [System.IO.FileMode]::Open)
		$contentDispositionHeaderValue = New-Object -TypeName  System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue "form-data"
		$contentDispositionHeaderValue.Name = "file"
		$contentDispositionHeaderValue.FileName = Split-Path $packagePath -leaf

		$streamContent = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.StreamContent $packageFileStream
		$streamContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = $contentDispositionHeaderValue
		$streamContent.Headers.ContentType = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue "application/octet-stream"

		return $streamContent

First two functions are there to create a correct HTTP content. Each content object we create will correspond to a content-disposition header. The first function will return a string type values for the just mentioned header, meanwhile the Stream content will return a stream that will be consumed later on, having as a value octet-stream representation of our artifact.

GetHttpClientHandler function is a helper that will create the right http client handler that contains the credentials to be used for our call.

function GetHttpClientHandler()
		[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Credential

	$networkCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkCredential -ArgumentList @($Credential.UserName, $Credential.Password)
	$httpClientHandler = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler
	$httpClientHandler.Credentials = $networkCredential

	return $httpClientHandler

Last but not least, a function that actually invokes the post call to our server.

function PostArtifact()
		[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$EndpointUrl,
		[System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Handler,
		[System.Net.Http.HttpContent][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Content

	$httpClient = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.Http.Httpclient $Handler

		$response = $httpClient.PostAsync("$EndpointUrl/service/local/artifact/maven/content", $Content).Result

		if (!$response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
			$responseBody = $response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
			$errorMessage = "Status code {0}. Reason {1}. Server reported the following message: {2}." -f $response.StatusCode, $response.ReasonPhrase, $responseBody

			throw [System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException] $errorMessage

		return $response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result
	catch [Exception]
		if($null -ne $httpClient)

		if($null -ne $response)

This is all the necessary to upload an artifact to our Nexus server. You can find the just show scripts also on GitHub in the following repository tfs-build-tasks. Further information about programtically uploading artifacts into Nexus can be found in the following post, How can I programatically upload an artifact into Nexus?.

Querying XL TestView via PowerShell

Since the version 1.4.0 XL TestView started exposing several functionality via REST API. This is inline with other XebiaLabs products and it is a welcome characteristic. If you tried invoking a web request towards your XL TestView server, you may be surprised that the authentication fails (no matter the usual technique of passing the credentials). This is due to the fact that XL TestView doesn’t support the challenge-response authentication mechanism.

An example:

$credential = Get-Credential
$server = ""
Invoke-WebRequest $server/projects -Credential $credential

After executing this code you will receive a 401 Unauthorized response with Jetty (XL TestView web server) stating “Full authentication is required to access this resource”.


Invoke-WebRequest cmdlet doesn’t send the authentication headers with the first call and it expects a
401 response with the correct WWW-Authenticate header as described in RFC2617. Then, based on the authentication schema token received, prepares a call with a proper authentication method if supported.
Unfortunately this behavior is not supported by XL TestView. Still, do not desperate, there is a way to interact with XL TestView via your PowerShell scripts.

Authentication header

In order to authenticate on the first call, we need to provide the authentication header manually and include it in our web request. Knowing that XL TestView uses the Basic authentication we need to prepare the necessary for this operation. First of all we need to create the value that we are going to provide for the header called Authorization. It is following the well know standard described in RFC1945 which states that the username and password are combined into a string separated by a colon, e.g.: username:password, that the resulting string is encoded using the RFC2045-MIME variant of Base64, except not limited to 76 char/line and that the authorization method and a space i.e. “Basic ” is then put before the encoded string.

In order to create such a header I created a cmdlet that sums those steps.

function Get-AuthorizationHeader
	[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Username,
	[string][parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$Password
	BEGIN { }
		$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $UserName, $Password)))
		return @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}
	END { }

Invoking this cmdlet and providing the requested username and password, will return the requested header object that we can include in our call towards the XL TestView REST API.

Invoking the web request

Once our cmdlet for the necessary authentication header is set, we can invoke our call simply as follows:

$Username = "username"
$Password = "password"
Invoke-WebRequest $url -Headers (Get-AuthorizationHeader $Username $Password)

You can see that we are not telling the Invoke-WebRequest to used credentials to authenticate, however we are specifying the necessary header for the authentication. This will pass all of the necessary on the first request towards XL TestView and our call should succeed.

Be aware that with the Basic authentication the credentials are passed in clear (encoded as base64 string) and an encrypted connection is advised (https).

This technique is valid for all of the services that do not use challenge-response authentication mechanism, not only XL TestView.