Installing self-signed certificates into Git cert store


Since it’s introduction, Git repositories in TFS became quite a popular choice. Most of early adopters used the integrated Visual Studio tooling to interact with their repositories. It is all straight forward, simple and easy, clone your repository are you are ready to go. Now, if you ever tried to use the command line Git client or another IDE as Visual Studio Code (which relies on the command line tool), and communication with your Git repositories is based on SSL connection (https), you may have noticed that things do not work out of the box. Visual Studio will take care of certain things for us, as authentication and certificates (Windows cert store), and make it transparent (in case certificates are distributed via domain). If we intend to use the Git client we need to set a couple of things up. I will illustrate here how to retrieve your TFS certificate and install it in the Git certificate store.


Often, in the enterprise environments, access to Team Foundation Server is made possible only through Transport Layer Security cryptographic protocol. This means that the client will need to validate a certificate before establishing the connection. Often the certificate is a self-signed and if you try to clone a repository you are going to receive the following error:

SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

This is due to the fact that the root certificate which vouches for the authenticity of your SSL certificate is private to your organization. That root certificate is distributed to all domain-joined machines in your organization via group policy, and it is stored in the Windows certificate store for your machine.

Any application written to use the Windows crypto APIs will have access to that root certificate, and will consider your TFS deployment to be trusted. Applications using the Windows certificate store include Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Visual Studio and others. However, Git for Windows (git.exe) uses OpenSSL for its crypto stack, and the Git for Windows distribution includes a set of trusted root certificates in a simple text file. Your organization’s root certificate is not in this list, and if you try to use git.exe to perform network operations against your TFS server, you’ll get the error specified above.

In order to solve this problem we need to include our self signed certificate in the list of certificates used by Git.

Retrieve the TFS root certificate

In order to get the certificate I will use IE 11. However you can achieve the same result in multiple ways, following different steps.

First open your TFS portal in IE and once opened, click on the lock icon in the address bar:


Choose to view the certificate by clicking on the View certificates button. A new window will open showing the certificate details. Move to the Certification path tab as show here:


Make sure that the top level certificate is selected, same as in this screenshot and click on View certificate button. Another certificate details window will now open. In it, choose the Details tab:


Now, choose Copy to file option and follow the wizard that you will be presented with. You will need to export the certificate as Base64 encoded:


Save the certificate somewhere on your disk, name it lets say tfs.crt and close all of the open windows. Now we have the certificate in a format that we need, next step is adding it to the certificate store used by git.

Add TFS certificate to Git certificate store

On most of modern computers since the Git for Windows version 2.5, the certificate store is located in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\ssl\certs

Note that in some cases the folder may be located here:

In case that you are using an older version this can differ. In that case an upgrade is advised.
Open the above mentioned directory and you should find a file called ca-bundle.crt.


Now, first open our certificate file, tfs.crt, with a text editor of your choice, select all content and copy it.


Then open the ca-bundle.crt file with the same text editor and position yourself at the end of the file. Now paste the previously copied content, save and close the all files.

Try again to clone a repository in TFS via git.exe. You should not receive the error message anymore and you should be prompted about credentials. By entering correct credentials the operation should succeed.

SonarQube on Windows and MS SQL


In the following post we will see what is necessary to install and configure SonarQube 5.4. We will also see how to setup some basic security concerns by making our SonarQube part of our LDAP infrastructure and map security groups to roles.
I’m sure that there are plenty of guides out there, but what I found most annoying meanwhile reading some of them, is that all of them do give several things for granted. Also the information is segmented and not easy to find. I will try in this post to cover even the basic steps that can save you hours of struggling. I’m going to install SonarQube on Windows platform using MS SQL as my database of choice, you can also try Couchbase. Both of these services in my case are going to reside on the same machine, but nothing limits you to use multiple machines for your setup.


Java runtime is the main prerequisite. Although it works with Java 7, my advice is to install and use JDK 8. At the moment of writing the latest version for my platform is jdk-8u77-windows-x64.exe.
For what concerns MS SQL versions, 2008, 2012 and 2014 are supported. Also the SQL Express is supported. Your SQL server needs to support case-sensitive (CS) and accent-sensitive (AS) collation.

Installing the database

After you installed your MS SQL version of choice, you need to create a database. Add a new database and name it SonarQube.


Now the important step. In the Options page you need to specify the right collation. It needs to be one of the case-sensitive (CS) and accent-sensitive (AS) collations. In my case I will go for SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS.


Once that is set, click OK and create the new database.

After the database is created, we need to make sure that the TCP/IP protocol is enabled for our SQL instance. Open the Sql Server Configuration Manager and, in the console pane, expand SQL Server Network Configuration. Choose the Protocols for your instance. In the details pane, right-click TCP/IP, and then click Enable. Once done, restart the service. A detailed guide is available on Technet at Enable TCP/IP Network Protocol for SQL Server.


Last but not least, make sure that SQL Server Browser service is running. Often it is disabled by default, however for the JDBC driver to work, it needs to be enabled and running. Open the Services management console and find the Service called SQL Server Browser. If disabled, enable it and start the service.


That’s all for now for what database concerns.

Installing SonarQube

Before we start, make sure that the latest JDK is installed, then download the SonarQube installation file from SonarQube website. For this demo I will be using the latest available version of SonarQube at the moment of writing and that is 5.4. After I downloaded I will extract it’s content in a folder of my choice and that is D:\SonarQube.

There is another important file we need to get and set before we can continue configuring SonarQube and that is Microsoft JDBC driver. Go to Download the Microsoft JDBC Driver 6.0 (Preview), 4.2, 4.1, or 4.0 for SQL Server and download sqljdbc_4.2.6420.100_enu.tar.gz file. Once done, open the just downloaded file with compression tool of your choice and extract all of it’s content in a temporary folder. Get into sqljdbc_4.2\enu\auth\x64 folder and copy the only file present in that path, sqljdbc_auth.dll and paste it into your System32 directory, usually C:\Windows\System32.

Now we are ready to start the configuration. Open the main configuration file of SonarQube called You can find it in the conf folder in your SonarQube installation path. Open it with the editor of your choice and search for the line reporting ‘Microsoft SQLServer 2008/2012/2014 and SQL Azure’. Under that line you should see a the following configuration item that is commented out:


We need to uncomment this line by removing the hash sign in front of it and change the connection string to point towards our SQL database instance (the one we create earlier).
Following, an example of the connection string using a name instance of SQL:


If you are using the default instance, you can simply omit the instanceName=DEV_01 from your connection string.

Also you can see I’ve set to use the integrated security. If you want to use SQL Authentication, remove the integratedSecurity=true part and specify the credentials as separate configuration items under your connection string (also create users in SQL accordingly and map the newly create user to dbo schema).


Once the connection string is set, save the configuration file and try starting SonarQube. Open the command prompt and move to ...\bin\windows-x86-64 folder and execute StartSonar.bat


If everything is set right, you should see a message in the console INFO app[o.s.p.m.Monitor] Process[web] is up.


Now you can open the web browser of your choice and head to http://localhost:9000. A welcome page on SonarQube should be shown.


If the page loaded, congratulations, SonarQube is running correctly on your machine.

What is left to do is to create a service that will run SonarQube. Stop the current execution with a CTRL+C and terminate the batch job. In the same bin folder where StartSonar.bat is located, you will find InstallNTService.bat. Execute the just mentioned batch file and you should receive the wrapper | SonarQube installed. message. This means that a new service is created. Check your services management console and you should find a service called SonarQube:


As you can see from the picture, service is created but not started.
By default, the “Local System” account is used to execute the SonarQube service. If this account doesn’t have the required permission to create some directories/files in the SonarQube installation directory (which is the case by default on recent Windows versions), the execution of the SonarQube service will fail. In such case, the SonarQube service must be configured to run in the context of a suitable account.
Right click on the SonarQube service and choose properties then move to Log On tab choose “This account”, and select an account that can read/write the folder in which SonarQube is installed. Hopefully you will have a specific service account created for this purpose.


Now, you can start the service manually or by launching StartNTService.bat.

Services configuration

SonarQube is the only web application running on my server, so I will move it from the port 9000 to the default 80. To do so, edit the configuration file and find the #sonar.web.port=9000 comment line. Uncomment it and change port value to 80, sonar.web.port=80.

After this change you need to restart your SonarQube service and try to reach your localhost in the browser. If all went fine you will not need to specify the port at the end of the address.

SonarQube behind a proxy

I wrote in the past time numerous post about running services and applications behind a proxy. SonarQube will not be an exception to that practice. You may wonder why SonarQube should have access to internet and my answer is, plug-ins. Plug-ins are essential to SonarQube and installing and updating them is easiest done via Update Center, a functionality integrated in the administrative portal. In order for it to work, SonarQube needs to be able to access the internet. In case you are behind a proxy, you need to modify again configuration file.

Search for #sonar.web.javaAdditionalOpts= configuration line and modify it by specifying http, https proxy host and port: -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080

Restart the service and try the Update Center. Open SonarQube web page and log in with the default admin user (password is also admin). Click on the administration menu item and then, in the sub-menu, choose System -> Update Center. Check if the updates are retrieved and try to update one of the plug-ins installed by default, like C#. If all goes well you will see the following screen


Once the plug-in is installed you will see a button in the notification message that offers to restart the server for you. In my case it never worked and after choosing this option my server stopped replaying. In order to get it back online, you need to manually restart the service.

This problem is addressed in SONAR-7422 and it is a recognized bug. It should be fixed in the SonarQube version 5.6.

If you where able to install or update plug-in correctly, then your proxy settings where picked up fine.

Securing SonarQube connection

You can setup SonarQube to run on a https secure connection. It natively supports the SSL certificates however it is not advised to configure it. Using a reverse proxy infrastructure is the recommended way to set up your SonarQube installation on production environments which need to be highly secured. This allows to fully master all the security parameters that you want. I will not dig into details on how to set up IIS to leverage the reverse proxy setup. If interested in this, you can read the following blog post on Jesse Houwing’s blog, Configure SSL for SonarQube on Windows. It will guide you in setting up IIS that will act as a proxy for the secure calls towards your SonarQube server.

Security configuration

My desire is to integrate the authentication of the SonarQube server with my LDAP (Active Directory domain services). In order to do that, we need to install LDAP plug-in. Locate the LDAP plug-in in update center under available plug-ins and install it.


Before you restart your SonarQube service, open the configuration file and add the following section:


This are the only necessary settings if you are part of the Active Directory domain. Restart the SonarQube service and open the portal. If all went well, SSO kicked in, and you should be logged in with your domain account. Now comes the fun part. Log out, then, log in again as administrator and go to Administration -> Security -> Users screen. You should see in the list the domain account you logged in with. Update groups for this account and assign it to sonar-administrators group.


Now close the browser and reopen it. Surprise, surprise, you are logged in again via your user profile but you do not see Administration option in your menu, as you would expect. Once the LDAP is configured, on each login, the membership information will be retrieved and local settings will be overwritten. Thus no group membership we assigned will be persisted. In this case, LDAP/AD becomes the one and only place to manage group membership. In order to do so, we need to create a security group in AD and map it in the SonarQube Security Groups.

Before we create a new group in the SonarQube Security Groups we need to get the groups precise name. Group names are case sensitive and do require the domain to be specified. This is not something we can guess but we can extract it from our log file.

Add your user to the AD security group of choice. Edit configuration file again and set the logging level to a higher setting. In order to do so, find the #sonar.log.level=INFO line, uncomment it and change the level from INFO to DEBUG. You line should now look like sonar.log.level=DEBUG. Restart the service and open the portal.

If you are successfully logged in, open the log file. In the SonarQube directory there is a folder called logs, in my case it is, sonarqube-5.4\logs. Inside you will find a file called sonar.log. Open it with your editor of choice and search for your domain username. Next to your username (probably at the bottom of the log file) you will find a couple of log lines made by web[o.s.p.l.w.WindowsAuthenticationHelper] and in one of those lines you will find written Groups for the user YOURDOMAIN\YOU and a list of security groups you are part of. Find the correct one and copy it, in my case this is sonar@maiolocal. Now log in as admin and open the Groups screen. Create new group by clicking to the Create Group button in top right corner and set the name to your group of choice, in my case sonar@maiolocal.


Once the group is created, move to Global Permissions screen (always in the Security menu), and assign the desired permissions to just created group. Let’s suppose that this group will list all of the administrators, under Administer System permission, click on groups and select the newly created group.

Now if you close your browser and reopen it pointing to your SonarQube portal, you will get logged in via SSO and you should be able to see the Administration button in the menu. Same can be done for the users.


This is roughly it. There are some details you would probably like to set as SMTP/Email settings and Source Control Manager settings, however all of this is quite trivial as you can find all of the necessary settings in the UI under General Settings. For more details check Notifications – Administration page in SonarQube documentation site, as SCM support page.

Your SonarQube server should now be correctly installed and configured to access LDAP. Ahhh, I almost forgot it, get the logging level back to INFO, otherwise you are risking quite a large log files on your disk.


After I published my post I realized that there is a better way of forcing the authentication. As Nicolas Bontoux pointed out this setting should be set in Administration – General Settings – Security pane. Otherwise you do risk encountering a problem during the upgrade of your SonarQube instance to a newer version.

Set the Force user authentication in previously mentioned pane.


Once done, comment or remove the sonar.forceAuthentication=true line from the configuration file and restart your service.
In this way you will not be bothered during your SonarQube updates.


In regard to the proxy settings, since SonarQube 5.5 specifying your proxy address via javaAdditionalOpts is not necessary anymore (and it is not advisable). Now it is sufficient to search in the configuration file the following line #http.proxyHost= and set the proxy parameters as shown here:

Save your settings and restart the service. Your Update Center should still be working correctly.

Detailing TFS configuration – IIS

One of the most annoying things when it comes to accessing the TFS portal is that you need to specify the context path /tfs. In other words, if you just type you will not get redirected to your application, which has the full path of Same if SSL is used, often and by default you are obliged to indicate the https or even worst in case SSL is made mandatory, you will get a nice 403.

Well this is a bit of shame. Many people standing behind and supporting TFS are often not keen to set this details up. This can be because of the leak of knowledge, “fear” of the unknown, negligence, character. It is such a simple operation that shows that you do care. So let’s check a couple of things you can do in order to make this happen.

The Beauty Is In the Details

There are several improvements that we can make on IIS that is running our TFS instance. I will try to make you a couple of suggestion, if some of them can’t apply on your case by any reason, it is not mandatory to set them. Following are just suggestions on how to tide up your default TFS installation.

The cleanup

Often I do see on the IIS of TFS server a Default Web Site. In 99,9% of the cases it is not used. If that is also your case (running only TFS on that machine) you are safe to remove it.


As you can see, aside of the Team Foundation Server site, there is the Default Web Site in my case. I will just right click it and choose Remove.


After you removed the Default Web Site, you can do the same for all unused Application pools.


As from the image, get to the Application Pools and remove all of the pools which name doesn’t start on per Microsoft Team Foundation.

The redirect

It will be handy that in the browser you do not need to type over and over the context path of /tfs. In order to set this up we can leverage the Http Redirect feature of IIS. By default it is not installed thus we will need to add it. Open Server Manager and choose Manage -> Add Roles and Features.


Now get to the Server Roles and under Web Server (IIS) – Web Server – Common HTTP Features select the HTTP Redirects.


Conclude the installation procedure and restart the IIS Manager.
Now after selecting your Team Foundation Server site, you will see the HTTP Redirect feature.


Select this option by double clicking it and enable the Redirect Requests as set on the following image.


In the text box you will need to enter the full URL of your TFS comprehensive of the context path. Now, once the IIS recieves a request towards the root of your application it will redirect it towards your TFS application, called tfs. Make sure before Applying these settings that the Only redirect requests to content in this directory (not subdirectories) is selected, otherwise all of your calls will result in an recursive redirect. Apply these settings and try calling your server without the context path. If you are monitoring your web calls with tools like Fiddler, you will see that your first call is redirected by the server towards the URL we specified under the Redirect request option.

This technique is only working with your portal and browser. You will always need to specify the full URL in your Visual Studio or any other tooling that requires the TFS path. This is because they are not able to understand the redirect and act in the way your browser does. Keep this in mind.

Connecting people

By default TFS will set it’s default port to 8080. Again if it is the only application on your server it is a shame being in need to specify the port for the each call. What about letting it replay also to a port 80, which is the default http port and doesn’t need to be specified?
Welcome bindings. Select your Team Foundation Server and chose in between the available actions the one called Bindings. You will be presented with the following screen.


Make sure that aside the http binding to port 8080 there is the one that binds the requests to the port 80. If it is not there, first edit the current binding of port 8080 and change it to port 80. Then add a new one and make it replay to port 8080. Click close and try calling your TFS without specifying the port 8080. Your IIS should replay correctly.

The result of this change will work with all of the tooling accessing TFS, like Visual Studio. You are now not anymore obliged to specify the port 8080.

Talking under four eyes

It may be a good idea or a necessity to use transport layer security. Enabling HTTPS on you web site is fairly simple. How to create and import a certificate is out of the scope of this post. Given that you have correctly imported a certificate into the IIS certificate store, open the site binding and add a new one.


As a type choose https and select the certificate that you intend to use for TFS.
From now on, you can point to https://yourTFS/tfs and you will be using a secure connection. In case you omit the context path, you will end up on a non protected connection. To sort that out, change your redirect and make it point to the secure version of link.

Also you may desire to make the HTTPS mandatory. If that is the case, you could simply enable Require SSL option under SSL Settings for your TFS Web Site.


If you do so, pointing to a non SSL version of your site will result in a 403 Forbidden response. Although it is self explanatory as a message it is not nicely handled. It would be nicer if you would be redirected to the https version of your request. For that, we can use a trick. Open Error pages pane and edit the 403 page.


Set the Respond with a 302 redirect and set your desired https URL. Now, instead of showing a Forbidden message, your browser will be automatically redirected to a correct link.

Note that in case you set the SSL mandatory, you need to do it for both the WebSite and the Virtual folder usually called tfs. After you set both of them to be required, you will need to open the TFS Administration console and on Application Tier screen, choose the Change URL’s action:


Make sure that Notification and server URL are correctly set to point to the new link, otherwise you may experience some issues with TFS Administration console and some other local tooling.


I showed you a couple of tips on how to set you TFS IIS in order to be more friendly in responses and to remove the unnecessary things. There are other tips I may have on this argument, however they do fall in a maintenance domain, such as managing log files, etc. Soon I will publish a separate, more detailed blog post about this argument.
